JailBreakMe Site Updated Again, iPad 2 JailBreak To Arrive Today?

Update: The official iPad 2 Jailbreak is out (JailbreakMe)

JailBreakMe site has been updated again. It seems that our report about the release of iPad 2 JailBreak will turn out to be true soon. Unlike previous changes where he tried to give hints on the upcoming JailBreak, Comex has updated it with a unique Apple style. This is very similar to what App Store (online) do when they are all set to launch a new product. It says – ‘We will be back soon’ on a yellow paper. The JailBreakMe.com has been in various ups and down from the last few days. 

Through the message in the screenshot, one can predict that something new is to arrive very soon. If we are not wrong then it will be the final version of JailBreakMe.com which would be able to JailBreak iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.3 and all other iOS devices. Comex is primarily known for the type of userland JailBreak which are really easy to apply. It is also expected that Apple will release the iOS 4.3.4 in coming days. So, we request to save your SHSH Blobs before its too late.

We will keep you updated!