Apple iPhone 4 Owners Think They Already Have 4G!

Apple iPhone 4It seems that the 4G hype by carriers across US is selling to hard. While back here in India we are yet to consumer 3G fully, service providers in US are rolling out 4G across the nation and are promoting handsets supporting ‘4G’ connectivity. While a debate remains on the usage of the term 4G, since the speeds offered by 4G networks aren’t as high as what standards suggest. But that’s a debate for another day. For now the crisis or rather the fortune for smartphone makers is the fact that average consumer is ‘dumb’.

To prove the same, a survey revealed that 34% Apple iPhone4 owners think that they already have 4G. While the name of the Apple iPhone having a ‘4’ in it causes this confusion, it’s inexplicable that 24% Blackberry owners also answered the same. It’s true that currently a very small majority of smartphone users account for a huge chunk of data usage and carriers are dealing with that. 
With serious data users being so low, we are hardly surprised that an average consumer on the street feels that they already have 4G.  With Blackberry and Apple both looking to launch 4G enabled phones in the near future, guess they aren’t missing out much by not having that offering out there. On previous occasions we have answered the question of LTE or 4G phones vs iPhone 4 and the answer was loud and clear, LTE / 4G isn’t  a must have tech, yet!