Bing For iPhone Updated, Supports Facebook Likes, News & Deals

One of the most popular search engine from Microsoft, Bing has been updated to version 3.0. This version has many added features and considered to be a major update in terms of search. For the first time, Microsoft has included Facebook likes, News and GroupOn services to Bing which would extend the capabilities. 

In addition to it, Bing also provide voice activated search. So, all you need to tap on the voice button at the top and start dictating your sentences. Within fractions of seconds, depending upon your internet connection, it comes up with the best results. With Bing 3.0, you can find some great deals across your city such as GroupOn, Living Social, and so on. Check out the breaking news, see the video of your favorite sports etc. Also, you can search for the things which your friends liked most on Facebook.

Venue maps helps you to quickly navigate much faster. Hence, saves time and leads to less frustration. The main motive of Bing is to make it more intuitive, so that everyone in the world can use it and at the same time, easier to use. Considering this, settings are more streamlined and you can find them easily. Download from here