IconRotator via Cydia Lets Icons On Springboard in Upright Position When iPhone is Rotated

It is generally observed that unlike iPad,  when you rotate an iPhone, the icons doesn’t align themselves accordingly. What if you want them to set in upright position for you to use? IconRotator via Cydia is now available that exactly lets you do it. This tweak is developed by Ryan Petrich who had earlier posted a screenshot of CydiaBulletin for iPad to be released soon.

Ryan Petrich is known for his commendable hacks. With IconRotator, you wouldn’t feel anymore that your iPhone was even rotated in any position. Perhaps, you can continue to use it in any position you like. All the icons on springboard would adjust themselves in the the upright position. Also, this tweak helps you to minimize the use of orientation lock in the multitasking bar.

To install IconRotator, go to sources>edit>Add sources>enter this url – http://rpetri.ch/repo/  and wait for the Cydia to update all the sources for you. One the process is completed, search ‘IconRotator’ and install it from the option at top right. Now, you need not to worry even if you are lying somewhere and orientation lock is off. This tweak will take care of everything.
Let’s know your thoughts in the comment section. Credit to iClarified for the screenshots.