Cellphone Unlocking Bill Proposed By US Senator Ron Wyden

The DMCA pushed to make cellphone unlocking illegal after a period of 5 years, starting January 26th 2013 users are not allowed to unlock their cellphones. Any user who risks to unlock his cellphone is liable to a fine upto $500000 and 5 years of imprisonment.

After voicing protests against DMCA by filing a petition on the White House website and reaching the set target of 100000 signatures, the White House responded to the petition by extending its support and saying that it is common sense for a user to unlock his cellphone if needed. Amidst all this, a Senator from the state of Oregon has filed bill “Wireless Device Independence Act 2013” to make cellphone unlocking legal again

unlocking illegal

Senator Ron Wyden tweeted on twitter about his efforts to make cellphone unlocking legal with the help of his new act. The bill would attempt to amend section 1201(a)(1)(B) of title 17 of the United States Code which deals with the circumvention of copyright protection.

@RonWyden You bought it, you should be able to use it. My Wireless Device Independence Act ensures you can unlock your device: http://1.usa.gov/XUJv4C

A few other U.S. lawmakers are trying to rush bills out as well. Rep. Anna Eshoo from California plans to introduce her own bill in the House of Representatives soon, too.