Vuvuzela 2010 – official horn of the FIFA World Cup 2010 Soccer (free)

Vuvuzela the official horn of the FIFA World Cup 2010 Soccer is available on iTunes. It claims to have over 5 million downloads.

Choose your favorite t-shirt color to choose it for the Vuvuzela in the center and shale your iPhone/ itouch to make the horn make the sound. Press often for more noise. I personally find it one of the most annoying noises when I am seeing the match, that is why I tend to watch the match in mute cause I can bear the sound of this horn. Anyways feel one with the Soccer Frenzies of the World buy the Vuvuzela App and annoy / enjoy it in the next social gathering with buddies for the upcoming Quarter Final match line-up. Warning: Dont surprise someone with this noise, people might punch you in the face.

Rating: Really?