A really brilliant app is out in Apple’s App Store and this is a complete hardware and software solution for …
Video Review: Wyse PocketCloud for iPad (AppStore $14.99)
We tested out the Wyse PocketCloud for the iPad and I found it to be one of the most useful …
New Google Search for Android and iPhone
Google has got in a new look and a few extra features for their search engine on the desktop and …
The Apple iPad Reviewed
We got our hands on the iPad and we have been playing with it. It has been very amazing so …
Apple selects new Taiwanese Suppliers for iPhone 4G
There are a few changes for the new Apple iPhone 4G, as now Apple has added a few new Taiwan-based …
3 Must Have MMO Games for the iPad
The Apple iPad is a brilliant device to play games and with World of Warcraft coming on the iPad there …
Apple extends iPad release date for UK
The Apple iPad release date for UK which is currently planned at the end of May, is heading for another …
HTML5 Is Amazing But Flash Is Still Important, says Microsoft
After all the angst of Steve Jobs against Adobe Flash, the HTML5 is been talked about a lot. It is …
O-Gawa the future beat machine for iPad reviewed ($4.99 App Store)
I personally havn’t been a great fan of the Apple iPad, but the apps continue to amaze me. The iPad …