How to auto backup data on iPhone while upgrading from v2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1

Backing up data on the iPhone has always been a problem. Whenever you wish to upgrade the iphone firmware, there is always a hesitancy because you always have a problem of losing your priceless data. It can be applications, contacts, files, photos etc. Though you can backup them up via iTunes as well (except third-party apps) but still it takes a lot of time to get that data back via iTunes. So how do we solve this problem? Well just  use QuickPwn – Yes that simple!How to upgrade iphone firmware version 2.0 to 2.2.1/2.2 is exceedingly straightforward and systematic process. When upgrading the firmware version the data remains just the same. Yeah. All the AppStore apps are intact and their data as well. Even the contacts, calendar, photos are there. But one thing I noticed is that the data for Cydia apps is there, but the apps don’t show up. So you will have to reinstall those apps again. The cydia apps show up in the  root directory MobileFinder via Cydia but not on the springboard.

Note: This is for people upgrading from 2.o or above.