10 countries represent 98% of iPhone / iPod touch usage!

While we still cry for the launch of iPhone 3G S in India, here are interesting statistics from AdMob. AdMob is the world leader in Mobile advertising, and you must have noticed their Ads in many free iPhone apps. According to the usage data available with Admob, the maximum usage of iPhone / iPod touch is in US (no surprise) followed by UK, France and Canada. Whats even more intriguing is that despite being present in 70+ countries, 98% usage (we cant use this data as metrics for sales) is in the top 10 countries.


This very well explains to me where the 50million Samsung touchscreens have actually sold, but also highlights how important is the carrier subsidy in iPhone sales. Another interesting trend that AdMob shows is how countries other than the US had seen accelerated growth of iPhone / iPod touch in 2009.

In November, 50% of the unique iPhone and iPod touches that requested an AdMob ad were outside the US, compared to only 39% in January 2009.

You can download the AdMob report here