Midst the iPhone 4 hype, iPad sells 3 millionth unit

Apple sold 1 million units under a month and 2 million of these iPads in under 2 months. And the rate has only increased with 3 millionth mark being touched in just 80 days. Yes, Apple has just announced that their unique take on the tablet market, the iPad has sold 3 million units.

“People are loving iPad as it becomes a part of their daily lives,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We’re working hard to get this magical product into the hands of even more people around the world, including those in nine more countries next month.”

Hackers are busy hacking the new iOS 4 and the iPhone 4th gen, but Apple is certainly doing crazy inventory management on the back-end, trying to satisfy the huge demand for iPads and iPhones across the globe. And the best part, 3 months from now, we shall see the 4th generation of the iPod touch!