Unofficially Official, White iPad 2 Promoted The Most, Sells Maximum!

We have been watching the iPad 2 launch internationally for some time and while I was in UK last month, I looked around in London and Birmingham to see how Apple is promoting the iPad 2. Interestingly while the online ordering system was super loaded and thousands lined up outside Apple stores, the White iPad 2 was the most difficult to get. Add a 3G to the same and it becomes even more difficult.

Apparently most people like the white iPad 2 over the black version and the missing White iPhone 4 might have something to do with this. While announcing the iPad 2, Jobs stressed that they are shipping White colour from day one. And if you need any more confirmation that White iPad is the most popular and promoted color, just swing by any O2, Vodafone or T-mobile store, you would see that the White iPad is what they use to attract you (no exceptions!).

Tmobile White iPad 2

Orange iPad 2 White