BlackBerry PlayBooks Recalled by RIM

Less than a month after the launch of BlackBerry PlayBooks by RIM, about 950 of those are recalled from Staples stores in US.

Blackberry-Playbook Recalled

It is reported that the problem lies with the operating system which has prevented users from performing the initial setup of the device. However, there aren’t any concrete sources to claim the exact problem.

RIM has also given out a list of serial numbers of the product that has to be recalled. In a statement they said that the recalled PlayBooks are still in distribution phase and not reached the customers. In case a customer has purchased any of the playbooks, they must contact RIM for assistance. One can check out the serial numbers by clicking here to find out whether their PlayBook is amongst the ones that has been recalled.

The sale of BlackBerry Playbooks’ has been pretty good; so recalling 950 of them won’t be much of a loss for the company. But we can’t be sure about how it’ll affect them with respect to their reputation.