SwitcherLyrics Shows Current Playing Song With Lyrics in Multitasking Bar [Cydia]

SwitcherLyrics from Cydia lets you know which song you are currently playing on your Music.app in the multitasking bar. In fact, it shows you the lyrics of the certain song while playing the music at the same time. With the help of it, you would never miss a word and could feel the song a tad more. 

Sometimes, it happens with me that i forget the lyrics of any song and i need them instantly on the springboard. This tweak would help you to do that. Just double tap the home button and multitasking bar will show you all the info of the music. The information would appear exactly on the above part of the multitasking bar in the vacant area as shown in the screenshot below.

The tweak is available via Cydia store at price of $0.99. I have been using this tweak for a while now and it really live up to the promise. Though, i felt a lag when many application are simultaneously opened in the multitasking bar. It might be due to the overcapacity of RAM to hold all the things. So, we advise you to use it with minimum applications running in the background or after killing all of them from time to time.

We also wish if we could control the music in the same place. Anyways, have you tried this tweak? Let’s know your views in the comment section.