Google Pays 1 Billion Dollars To Apple To Remain Default Search Engine On iOS Devices

Recently a report named , “Next Google Is Google” came out and revealed that Google will be paying Apple One billion dollars. Why? The answer is to stay alive in the race. Google is shedding out big bucks to stay as the default search engine on any iOS device. The amount is mounting up to this huge figure according to a per device deal between Apple and Google. The latter has signed a deal to pay a certain amount of money for each piece of an iOS device to stay as the iOS search engine. With the privilege of staying alive on these iDevices, Google is expected to be crushing down other search providers, such as Bing and Yahoo.

A similar deal has been carried out between Google and Mozilla, for the year 2014. A deal of 400 million dollars has been made to keep as the default search provider on the famous Internet browser. Apple had previously dropped Google Maps and Youtube application from the iOS 6 platform, but it seems that Google doesn’t want Apple to ditch their main revenue model.

It is a battle for searches! Let’s know your thoughts in comment section below.